Ministry Leaders
Lucy Chapman
Alyce Grimshaw
Mike Hobbs
Liz Woodroffe
Ed Mezzetti
Mission Group
Stuart Creed, Jane Helden, Aviva David,
Vinod Duraikan -
Aviva David
Flo Menzies, Edd Wyncoll
How are decisions made?
Spiritual leadership of the church is by the Elders. They have access to and can consult with the Trustees on spiritual matters. Examples: Deciding preaching programme; appointing leaders; meeting with potential members.
The legal and charitable side of church life is overseen by the Trustees. Examples: Employing staff; legal compliance; larger financial decisions.
Day to day implementation of the decisions of the Elders is by the Staff. Examples: Training new leaders; overseeing pastoral care; Bible teaching; administration.
Ultimate authority (under God) lies with the Elders and legal responsibility with the Trustees.
Elders meet monthly and Trustees quarterly.
Every member serves
The whole church family is thoroughly involved in keeping our church running. On any given Sunday, 20+ of us will be serving in some way – from teaching the children, to leading music, to serving coffee. During the week, many more get involved in small groups and informal support for each other and those around us.