Mission Partners

As a church we are committed to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God (Matthew 28:19-20). As part of that we support gospel work at home and abroad.

We want to encourage individual members of the Church family to see themselves as active supporters of missionaries and to involve themselves through prayer, communication and other practical means. To enable this we have a Mission Group who: 

  • promote communication with the church family as widely as possible

  • play a part in developing and maintaining support for present and future missionary work

Below is a list of the people and organisations we are currently supporting. All Christians are called to serve in mission either as a goer or a sender. We can get involved by praying for those we support, keeping in touch, funding the work and participating in mission.

OMF International

Sarah works with OMF in Asia. OMF International is a Christian mission that serves the church and brings the gospel to some 12 countries in East Asia and has a pioneering ministry in others. We provide Christians with opportunities to share the love of Christ with East Asians worldwide. We also support Tim Jenkins, in Cambridge, an Area Mobiliser for this organisation.


Pioneers mobilises teams to glorify God among unreached people groups by initiating church-planting movements in partnership with local churches.


CMS (Church Mission Society)

With Jesus
With Each Other
To the Edges

People at the edges are at the centre of God’s story.  Discover God at work in ways you might not have expected.

John Huntingdon’s Charity

John Huntingdon’s Charity is a Sawston based charity providing advice and help with benefits, debt and housing issues. They give grants to individuals and groups that work in our community and can provide temporary housing for those in our community with the most need. You can help directly by donating food at Budgens, or volunteering.

Living Word Uganda

Living Word Uganda is an interdenominational organisation committed to serving Christian university students by equipping them with faithful Bible handling and teaching skills.

Teach Beyond

We believe that Christ-centred education is a powerful force for the transformation of individuals and societies.

TeachBeyond connects teachers, parents, and support staff with exciting educational opportunities around the world. God is using our members, their skills, and contexts to bring the light and healing of the Gospel to all—children, adults, leaders, and ministry workers alike. 

The Besom in Sawston

The Besom Network is a Christian charity that provides a bridge between those who want to give time, money, things or skills and those who are in need in the community. It ensures that what is given is used effectively. The service it provides is free. The Besom in Sawston is a local branch of the charity, which works predominantly with recipients referred to it through the Council, the John Huntingdon Charity and Health Visitors. Giving includes gardening and decorating projects, Baby Bundles and Christmas hampers. Quality second hand furniture, kitchen and bedding starter packs are also available through our link with the Besom in Cambridge.

To find out more about The Besom in Sawston and how to get involved, you can visit the website at www.thebesomnetwork.org where you can click through to our Local Besom in Sawston.

Cornerstone Church Colchester

Cornerstone Church Colchester is a fellow Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) church, which began life in 2020. You can read more about them here.

Eyres Monsell Community Church

Eyres Monsell Community Church are best on the southern edge of Leicester. They met for their first service in January 2024 and are our newest mission partner. You can find out more about them here.

As well as these organisations, we support some individuals involved in short term mission and we pray regularly for churches in our area.