Little Ones Playgroup

Little Ones is our playgroup for children aged 0-4 and their parents and carers.

There is no booking system. Just turn up!

If on rare occasions we get full, we will put signs on the gates.

There is plenty of free play time with a wide range of toys, plus a circle time with songs, a Bible story and simple craft.

We aim to have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where children and adults can feel at home.

The £1 entry fee per family includes refreshments for children and adults.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14


Pedestrian and vehicle access to the pavilion and car park is through the entrance gates to Spicers Sports Field on Cambridge Road, CB22 3DG, next to the cemetery. There is also a pedestrian gate onto the field off New Road, next to the library; follow the footpath inside the field to the pavilion at the top. Beware using Google Maps, which can take you into the College, from which there is no access!

If you use the What3words app for directions (recommended!), these are the locations:

[cake.toasters.grades] pedestrian entrance

[childcare.clothed.spearhead] vehicle entrance

[songbirds.dissolve.growl] building entrancereturns